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Dr. Sue's Fun Facts

Food I cannot live without: coffee and hot sauce

Favourite animated character: Animal from the Muppets

Best vacation ever: My honeymoon

Random fact: When I was five, I truly believed I was Superman. One day I thought I could fly so I climbed up on a dresser drawer (which thankfully was the highest point in our basement apartment), put my arms out like Superman and dove into the air. To my surprise I did not fly, and my aspiration to be Superman ended with a visit to the ER and six stitches above my left eye. 

One word that best describes you: grateful

Most proud of: My kids and my wife for tolerating me for 16 years!

Words I live by: Don’t take things so seriously; take the time to enjoy the process, and feel grateful and blessed for every moment you share with your family and friends.

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